Saturday, December 17, 2011

Finally !!!

After a long year and a half, I'm extremely proud to say 'Doubt' is now a completed manuscript.

It's been a great deal of emotions and feelings I had just experience, and they are indescriptible.There's nothing more I want than to see my hard work publish, and with some good editing and a great agent by my side, this dream of mine will become reality.

Over in Facebook, the fan page The Last One is growing faster and for every new fan I'm more than grateful. This journey is not yet over, I had just got to the summit of the first, and behind this one, another bigger and higher to climb.

Thank you all for your support and once again, thank you.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Author Sunday's Interview..

What a great day this has been. The amazing lady's from Paranormal Reads kept their fans entertained with some great quotes from my book 'Doubt' the first one from the series of The Last One. They also post an interview they did to this humble writer and I want to post it here.
I hope you guys enjoy it..

1. Where did you get the idea for your Doubt?

          A year ago, I had a small dream where I was standing at midnight in a Park called Penny pack, here in Philly. I was watching the girl from afar, when someone got near her and told her, he was the one she was looking for. I woke up and began to write the scene in my head and came with the story. But that scene in particular is part from the second installment of the series.

 2. Did you ever get writers block? How did you get over it?

          I have experienced writers block, but it usually don’t last that long. I either write a lot or nothing at all. When that happens, I closed the laptop and walk away.  A shower always helps.

 3. Who is the easiest character to write for?

          For me is always the main one. I see them in my mind, like I know him, or her, and the ideas comes from either from parts of my imagination or from pieces of friends. In this particular story, only one secondary character is based mostly in my best friend.

 4. What inspired you to write or who?

          Since I was a kid, the dreams had always kept me on my feet. I didn’t have the best childhood and I always picture myself living another life, completely different. My mother said I was always dreaming and she was right, I was. I wanted to tell my stories and it was a friend that, while joking, told me I should write them down. Years later, I did. Today is my husband who keeps encouraging me to write. He even bought me a Laptop as a gift, so I could have more freedom while writing.

 5. Do you listen to certain music when writing?

          Always and I mean, always. Some people need silence, I need the noise. My playlist has most of Evanescence tunes in it, but usually, I found myself writing to sounds of bands like My Chemical Romance, Fireflight, Flyleaf, Paramore and many more in the same genre.

6. When did you realize you wanted to write?

          I had an idea to a great story, back in 2004 and it got stuck with me for a few months. Even at night, while sleeping, it will come knocking on my imaginary door, in the back of my mind. Finally, I decided it to take two single papers and write it down and by when I wrote the words ‘the end’, I had filled almost half of a notebook. It gave me such pleasure, that I wanted to continue and a month later; I bought my first PC.

7. How did you come up with the names for your characters?

          For the main ones, it took me ten chapters, where I refer to them as (the girl) or (the boyfriend).  It was in a page, where I was reading some news from a female singer when another name jumped at my sight. I combine them both and the name of ‘Evalee’ was born. For the boyfriend, I wanted something that would go with hers and after watching pictures of guys that looked like the one in my head, I saw an actor who played a character with the same name and I knew ‘Jeremy’ was the one for him.

8. Where do you like writing?

          I can write anywhere, but most of my writing comes when I’m comfortable sitting or lying down, in my husband’s side of the bed.

9. Do you plan to write more?

          Indeed. There’s two more installment in the series, where both synopsis are already written as well as the names for the books, have been already chosen. I have 4 single stories and two other series, sitting in a folder, waiting to be written. There’s going to be plenty of more, for sure.

 10. Who is your favorite author?

          From all the books I have read and from all the authors I have liked, I will have to say J.K. Rowling, is my favorite. Her struggle and what she went through had inspired me to continue writing. If I had to pick a Spanish writer it will be Nedjma, the author of ‘La Almendra’ (the almond).

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Writer of the Week !!!!!

After weeks of frustrations and unexpected events, finally my eyes have seen a ray of light. I give thanks, first of all, to God. Without his lessons, I will never learned how life really works, I'm so grateful for every little thing that comes to my life, good or bad. For those things I learned how to make the right decisions. I also want to thank the amazing people from Paranormal Reads, a great Facebook page, which they have chosen me to be the writer of the week, this Sunday DEC 11.. The event is called Author Sunday, and they will be posting quotes from my book 'Doubt', first one of the series of The Last One. A WIP, that is in the last pages to be a complete manuscript. Also they will do an interview and many other things. I also want to thank the ones who had supported me, throughout this unfinished journey.
Many thanks
Love rocks !!!

Monday, December 5, 2011


It seems every time I want to sit down to write, something happens. I’m a calmed human being and I take things slowly. I try my best to think before acting and it has helped me to not get myself in any trouble. I hate drama and really I’m not cut for it. Just today I heard bad news from someone I love dearly. It kills me that I was too far away to help him out and this could’ve been preventable. It was not what it happened to him, but how it happened and why. I’m overlooking the circumstances that brought this to him, indeed he had some of the blame, but still it was out of handed what they did to him. One on one is fair, but 30 to one is simply an abuse and even a riot caused by hate. My heart is broken and I feel everything he does. My skin is tearing apart with each second that passed and I can’t even tell him how I feel and how much I love him, juts so he won’t worry about me. I’m too far way to help him and because there’s not much I can do, I pray for his safety and promptly recuperation.  I love him with all my heart, and I know tomorrow things will be better,  but today I’m simply heartbroken.